Numbers in Python

Numbers in Python


1 min read

What are the Numbers in Python?

โ€ƒ Integers and floats are the two types of numbers in python. Integers present whole numbers like 5,-5 while floats represent decimal numbers like 3.412 the other type of number in python is the complex number which defined as (a+bj)where 'a' is the real part and b is the imaginary part. (example: 5+3j is a complex number.)

Arithmetic operations with numbers:

  1. + Addition
     print(6 + 5)
  2. - Subraction
     print(6 - 5)
  3. * Multiplication
     print(6 * 5)
  4. / Division
     print(6 / 5)
  5. // Floor Division (Eg:5//2==2) nothing but deletion of decimal value
     print(6 // 5)
  6. % Remainder
     print(6 % 5)
  7. ** Exponent (Eg: 5**2==25)
     print(6 ** 5)

PYTHON follows the 'PEMDAS' rule for operator 1st preference

  1. P-parentheses
  2. E-exponents
  3. M-multiplication
  4. D-division
  5. A-addition
  6. S-subtraction

Example 1:

    #-10.0 (*division forms into decimal)

Example 2:

    print(5 + (4 - 2) * 2 + 4 % 2 - 4 // 3 - (5 - 3) / 1)
    #6.0 (*division forms into decimal)